Custom Photo Gallery Websites for Professional Photographers

February 5, 2014 New Features ,

The Photo Wizard


In addition to our normal Photo add/edit modules we developed the new Dynamic Galleries Photo Wizard module for all our customized photo websites.  You can now easily add or edit a whole bunch of photos at once. You just have to navigate to the module, select a gallery and therein all the photos you want to edit. In this form you are able to alter all the desired information or settings of a photo all at once and hit the update button at the bottom of the form.


Photo Wizard ScreenshotScreenshot: Photo Wizard


The Photo Wizard helps you editing specific information for a lot of photos at once. For example if you want to add (or remove) a new product to a gallery you don’t need to add the product to each photo manually.

As you can see in the screenshot above you can edit the photos additional galleries, location, keywords, rss feed and news stream visibility and/or search tags all at once, without having to edit each photo individually.

Most of those dropdown boxes will give you four options. The first is to change nothing and leave this setting/data as it currently is. The second option for example is to add keywords to the existing keywords of the selected photos. With the third option you can replace all keywords of all selected photos with the new ones you provide in the input field below the dropdown box. Another option is to remove only one single keyword (like latest or favorite e.g.) from all the selected photos. The last point gives you the option to delete all keywords from all selected photos.

All these options are roughly similar for most of the photo information you can edit with the wizard. The standard setting for all data is to don’t change anything so you don’t edit or delete a lot of photo information accidently.

This feature will save you a lot of time, especially when editing products, keywords or locations of a whole bunch of photos!

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